Category Archives: Success

The 24 Best Podcasts for Entrepreneurs In 2017

Entrepreneurs and business leaders have turned to podcasts as a great source of inspiration and education. But with more business podcasts launching into the iTunes store to meet the growing demand, it’s getting harder and harder to find the best podcasts for entrepreneurs. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs…

Habits the Highly Successful Have Mastered


Whether it’s a famous CEO, professional athlete, superstar entrepreneur or anyone who is thriving at the highest level of their profession, chances are they didn’t just wake up one day and be in that position that they are in. There is no doubt about it that there are some who are ridiculously gifted at what it…

3 Ways to Win the Morning and Save the Day

I am a firm believer in how we start our day determines how the rest of our day goes. If you go to bed late, hit the snooze button multiple times, roll out of bed later than you were supposed to, get stuck in traffic, and then end up being late to work, that’s a…

3 Questions For a Better Life

questions for better life

The power of choice is truly extraordinary. Choice is one of the few things that most people leave out of the equation when thinking about all of the reasons that separates those who achieve their biggest goals and dreams compared to those who don’t. The one thing that each and every one of us has is the…

The Power of Variability


People often experience an inability to adapt, and instead will come to the conclusion that they will always fail and may as well stop trying altogether. They will settle for where they are and become stagnant in life — never moving forward, and may even move backwards. Take Jack for example. He was a young man…

Failure Is a Gift

failure is a gift

Many people call it the “F-word.” No, I’m not talking about “fun” or that egregious four-letter word that’s so prominent in today’s culture. I’m talking about failure — Big, Fat Failure. And you know what? It’s a gift. A Big, Fat Gift. Everything that happens in your life is a gift. Even that big event…

Why It’s Vital That You Plan Your Life

Most people would rather plan their next vacation destination or what they are going to buy during their next trip to the mall rather than their own lives. Many executives, entrepreneurs and business owners would rather build their businesses than devote time and energy into planning their lives. Planning your life must happen if you…

Don’t Let Others Degrade Your Potential

negative people

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Whether you believe in those sayings or not, an absolute truth that entrepreneurs and business owners can never lose sight of is that it really does matter who we spend our…

Create a Support Group That Will Push You

mastermind group

A mastermind group with the right people can do incredible things for your personal and professional lives. You can have a mastermind for every area of your life. There are masterminds where business owners and CEOs get together quarterly or yearly to discuss their current challenges and ways they can enhance their companies’ growth. Then…

Don’t Forget the Importance of Living in the Now

live in the present

Have you ever got so excited about what’s to come in the future that you completely forgot to live in the present? I certainly have, and I know many others that deal with the same problem. It’s easy to forget about living in the present and direct our focus and energy towards the future, or…

What Matters Most in Life and in Business

what matters most

What matters most in life and in business? Building great, sustainable, and meaningful relationships is arguably one of the most important things we can do during our time here on Earth. All too often, we see men and women who think it’s perfectly fine to neglect their relationships just to move up the corporate ladder…

Want a Better Life? Ask Better Questions.

good questions to ask

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions. — Dr. John Demartini Questions have the ability to completely change your life. Questions have the ability to save failing marriages and relationships. Questions have the ability to help you take your life to the next level and build stronger finances for…

Don’t Let Fear Conquer Your Greatness

overcome fear

For one moment, just imagine what you would be able to accomplish if you knew you couldn’t fail. That anything you put your mind to or wanted to achieve, it would be accomplished. I’m sure if you thought in terms like that, you would be a high-action-oriented person, hardly ever second guessing anything. Most people…

The Extraordinary Power of Visualizing Success

visualizing success

Visualizing success is a skill that the best of the best use to their advantage. All top performers, regardless of profession, know the importance of picturing themselves succeeding in their minds before they actually do in reality. Something I have been able to translate over to the business arena from athletics is the power of…