Tag Archives: How to be happy

Stop Comparing Competitors. Do This Instead.

comparing companies

We’re hard on ourselves professionally. Competition is fierce in the business world. We compare ourselves to the competition every chance we get. But I’m here to tell you to stop. Stop the comparisons. They’re doing nothing to your competition. Much like disliking a person that doesn’t know you exist, it only hurts you. Emotional energy…

Our Brains Are Predisposed to Misery


Do you know any of those beautiful people with supermodel looks who could not stop talking about how devastating it was that they had gained a half-pound or how ugly they look and feel at certain times? I always wondered how they could look at themselves in the mirror and see only the flaws. Why…

Don’t Forget the Importance of Living in the Now

live in the present

Have you ever got so excited about what’s to come in the future that you completely forgot to live in the present? I certainly have, and I know many others that deal with the same problem. It’s easy to forget about living in the present and direct our focus and energy towards the future, or…

6 Ways to Enhance Your Mindset

enhance your mindset

Learning how to constantly enhance your mindset is one of the most rewarding aspects of life. My daily mindset improvement program is sacred to me. This program has one goal and one goal only: to constantly feed my mind with uplifting and positive material that will help to keep me performing at a high level…