The power of choice is truly extraordinary. Choice is one of the few things that most people leave out of the equation when thinking about all of the reasons that separates those who achieve their biggest goals and dreams compared to those who don’t. The one thing that each and every one of us has is the…
Tag Archives: personal development
Failing to adopt a never stop growing mentality is a major factor preventing so many individuals from attaining the life and professional success they desire. This thinking alone can do more damage than economic downtimes and many other circumstances that none of us want to come face to face with. Here are three ways to…
Forget the negative junk. Forget the violence. Forget the disappointment. Forget the hate. Forget the doubt. Forget the self-diminishing thoughts. Forget everyone who has ever doubted you or done you wrong. Forget everything that brings you down to a lesser version of yourself. Forget the negative junk! For a brief moment, take your mind completely…
You already have the power within you. The past failures. The past mistakes. The past heartbreaks… Let them go! Stop letting things from the past weigh you down and paralyze you from tapping into the amazing God-given power that is within you. Directing your focus on everything that went wrong in your life will do…
You have to understand that you, yes you, are far greater than any problem or disappointment that may be present in your life. I don’t care who you are or what you have accomplished, we all go through disappointments in life and struggle from time to time with coming to the realization just how special…