Many people find themselves simply going through the motions of life without truly knowing where they’re headed. This is the main reason why so many people can’t escape mediocrity. Going through everyday chaos, meeting new demands, and striving for more, we can easily fall victim to what I like to call “blindly coasting.”

Just as you might see your favorite company or business with a mission statement, it is vitally important that you as an individual create one as well. Take a look at the success of one of your favorite companies, for example. It has a set of core values, accompanied by a mission statement clearly stating what its purpose is as an overall company or brand.

This mission statement is its guiding light. Something that directs it through every decision it makes. Mission statements are your “why.” Why you do the things you do. Why you keep going when things get tough. If you have no mission, the complexity of everyday life will surely catch up to you and define your mission for you.

Here are three reasons why you should have a personal mission statement:

1. Identity

Way too many people operate out of their memories instead of their imaginations, letting what happened in the past create their present and future identity. Having a mission statement solidifies why you are here and what you’re passionate about.

2. Motivation

We all encounter our share of road blocks. However, when we are very clear in our mission here on earth, nothing can permanently hold us back. It is nearly impossible to prevail through difficult times when you aren’t sure why you should keep going.

3. Direction

Sometimes life can pull us in a million different directions. Having a well-detailed mission statement will help you define priorities and focus on what’s truly important. Just as a business wouldn’t participate in ventures that didn’t support what it is as a company, you wouldn’t participate in activities that jeopardize who you are as a person.

As a starting point, try to see yourself as a brand. What valuable qualities are you contributing to the world? What core values and/or morals are you fearlessly defending? When the going gets tough what drives your purpose? Take these questions into consideration when thinking about the person you have to become in order to accomplish your goals in life.

By answering these questions you should have a good idea of your why, your mission and your statement to the world. It should be your compass through everyday life, your pick-me-up during tough times, and your purpose when you lose sight. Now simply go out and live it.

A personal mission statement has had a profound effect on my life, and I am confident that it will have the same effect on yours.

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