Category Archives: Productivity

Deep Work: The Unplugged Path to Superior Performance

deep work

Being able to engage in deep work—that is, focused, distraction-free, and high-intensity periods of work—is becoming increasingly important for achieving superior performance in a world where distractions are everywhere. As professionals, we often find ourselves flooded with digital alerts, emails, and multitasking demands that divert our attention and overwhelm us, reducing our output. Unwavering concentration,…

High Performance Habits for Peak Productivity

high performance habits

In a time when industry-disrupting technologies like generative AI are on the rise, increasing focus and productivity have become even more crucial for leaders. As such, identifying, developing, and cultivating high-performance habits is key to unlocking productivity. Let’s explore the transformative potential of leaders building healthy habits to maximize efficiency. After all, with its intricate…

Don’t Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency

sense of urgency

The secret weapon that is often overlooked to your personal and professional success is what is a sense of urgency and how to consistently cultivate it. Creating a sense of urgency is rarely talked about when discussing all of the required characteristics that make up the highly successful, but without a doubt, it’s a prerequisite…

Learn How to Single-Task to Increase Focus

increase focus

People are always talking about multitasking, and they think it’s a talent — but I think it’s counterproductive to success. It means you’re dividing your attention into a million parts. If you’re talking on the phone to a client but doing some kind of household chore or even reading a magazine while talking, you are not fully engaging…

Distractions Are the Enemy


One of the biggest obstacles standing in your way from achieving greatness and becoming all that you can be in life and in business is the never-ending flood of noise and distractions in the world. We live in a world where these things are constant. Everything from television, phones, text messages and the Internet, to work…

5 Daily Habits to Increase Productivity Levels

productivity levels

The question, “How can I become more productive?” will always be asked. Everyone desires to accomplish more and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day. There are a million different tips for increasing productivity, but here are five that have worked wonders for me personally. 1. Arrive early, stay later Living…

The New Era of Time Management

time management

One thing I have always been incredibly fascinated with is how the most successful people in the world manage their time. Recently, I sat down with one of the world’s leading thinkers on productivity and New York Times bestselling author, Rory Vaden. We discussed that there are really three generations of time-management thinking. Era 1…

20 Ways to Make Today a Great Day

make today a great day

Want to make today a great day? Many entrepreneurs and business owners often ask themselves, “how could I have made today better?” It’s easy to fall into a rut and develop a pattern of average days when we fail to take intentional actions. Here are 20 powerful ways to rekindle your daily passion and answer…

10 Productivity Tips to Maximize Performance

productivity tips

Have you ever come across someone who just seemed to get so much done and was by far the most productive person you knew? Why can’t you be that person? Well, I think you can become that person, and I’m going to share some productivity tips that have helped me tremendously. Here are ten productivity…