Two qualities that can affect your success, quality of relationships and positive influence on others is passion and enthusiasm. Take a look at some of the greats. Whether it be an athlete, CEO, writer or musician, those who have reached an extraordinary level of success in their lives shared both passion and enthusiasm.

Those who are passionate and enthusiastic most certainly have an edge over those who are not. Passion and enthusiasm turns ordinary folks into extraordinary achievers. Passion and enthusiasm turns the impossible into the possible. Passion and enthusiasm has the power and ability to change and influence the lives of others.

If passion and enthusiasm is so essential to the level of success one achieves, why do so many lack both qualities? Simple. Most don’t have an exceptional vision for their life. Something that has always struck me is that a majority of people spend more time planning what kind of car they want to drive or what they are going to purchase at the mall than they do planning their everyday life.

The only way to become truly passionate about your life and wake up every morning enthusiastic about tackling every task on your to-do list is to create an exceptional vision for your life. A vision so powerful that nothing can get in the way of you making it a reality. That’s where greatness lies — working towards and being able to see past your current circumstances. We all need an exceptional vision for our lives.

Here are three steps to help steer you in the right direction to creating an exceptional vision for your life.

1. Establish your purpose

It’s very difficult to live an exceptional life if you don’t do everything it takes to find out what your purpose is. What are you passionate about? What puts a smile on your face even when times are hard?

The key to creating a powerful vision for your life is keeping your purpose in the forefront of everything you do. If you lead with your purpose, everything else will fall into place. Working every day to fulfill your purpose is a key factor in igniting passion and enthusiasm in all areas of your life.

2. Be specific as possible

The more specific you are, the further your vision will propel you into making your vision a reality. Every little detail counts. What do you want to experience along the way? What’s the difference you want to make in the lives of others? What’s the quality of your relationships?

The more specific you are, the further your vision will propel you into making your vision a reality. Every little detail counts. What do you want to experience along the way? What’s the difference you want to make in the lives of others? What’s the quality of your relationships?

3. Think big

The third key step to help you create a powerful and exceptional vision for your life is to expand your thinking. If one of your major goals in life is to become a millionaire, start thinking in terms of $4 million. Take a big goal of yours that resonates deep within your entire being and multiply that goal.

If you believe you have already been thinking big, think bigger! The large goals you set for your life that excite you beyond measure are what will have you waking up each morning with a burning desire to make each day a masterpiece.

Creating an exceptional vision for your life is necessary to live with passion and enthusiasm. Life will always throw its curveballs but when you have such an extraordinary vision for the person you want to become and the life you envision for yourself, no trial, failure or setback will be able to steal your joy. You have too much to look forward to. You have an exceptional life to create for yourself!

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