Author Archives: Matt Mayberry

Leadership Development: Cultivating Leaders for Success

leadership development

Leadership development has taken center stage as a crucial investment for forward-thinking companies in recent years. These organizations understand that leaders are pivotal in achieving operational excellence, fueling innovation, and gaining a competitive advantage. This article will explore leadership development, unveiling its role in nurturing an agile and resilient workforce. We’ll explore how these programs…

From Stagnation to Innovation: Transforming for Strategic Growth

strategic innovation

In the competitive B2B technology space, TechAdvance* is a long-standing industry titan. The multinational corporation boasts a multibillion-dollar valuation, and its flagship product line is synonymous with exceptional quality, convenience, and client satisfaction. However, despite its impressive portfolio and strong market presence, TechAdvance experienced a plateau in annual growth, necessitating a strategic self-assessment and transformation….

Liz Elting: From Dorm Room to Billion-Dollar Business

liz elting

Liz Elting, founder and CEO of the Elizabeth Elting Foundation, is a New York-based philanthropist and businesswoman recognized for her outstanding entrepreneurship and focus on developing women business leaders. Liz Elting cofounded TransPerfect, the world’s largest provider of language and business solutions. She has been named one of Forbes’ Richest Self-Made Women every year since…

Leading in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


In a year dominated by headlines like “42% of CEOs Say Artificial Intelligence Could Destroy Humanity in 5 to 10 years,” it’s safe to say the standard narrative was one of alarm. Even the media outlets not predicting mass extinction reported that this revolutionary new technology would disrupt the world; for instance, The Atlantic warned,…

The 23 Invaluable Life Lessons of 2023

life lessons

As we countdown the final week of 2023 and prepare to welcome the promise of a new year, it’s the perfect time to take a deep breath and reflect on what we’ve learned over the past twelve months. Each year comes with a unique blend of challenges and triumphs, but 2023 provided a plethora of…

5 Must-Read Leadership Books

leadership books

Learning from great leadership books is a surefire way to maximize impact, whether you’re a seasoned leader with decades of experience or just starting out and want to tap into your full leadership potential. Every year, an influx of leadership books hits the shelves. But how do you even begin when there are so many…

Year-End Review and Shaping 2024


Approaching year-end is like reaching the last few pages of an excellent book; there’s that bittersweet feeling where you’re excited to see how it ends but also sad that it’s almost over. That’s where we are in 2023—it just so happens that this is also the perfect time to reflect, learn, and plan. Like any…

Matthew Kelly: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

matthew kelly

Matthew Kelly has dedicated his life to helping people and organizations become the-best-version-of-themselves. Born in Sydney, Australia, he began speaking and writing in his late teens while he was attending business school. Since that time, 5 million people have attended his seminars and presentations in more than 50 countries. Today, Matthew Kelly is an internationally…

Top 5 Habits for Optimal Performance

optimal performance

Achieving optimal performance in our personal and professional lives comes down to small, daily actions. It’s not about monumental decisions and sweeping changes; it’s consistent, everyday habits that pave the path to success and fulfillment. Whether you’re a leader, an aspiring entrepreneur, or someone simply looking to enhance your daily life, integrating specific practices into…

High Performance Habits for Peak Productivity

high performance habits

In a time when industry-disrupting technologies like generative AI are on the rise, increasing focus and productivity have become even more crucial for leaders. As such, identifying, developing, and cultivating high-performance habits is key to unlocking productivity. Let’s explore the transformative potential of leaders building healthy habits to maximize efficiency. After all, with its intricate…

How to Work with Meaning

work with meaning

The world experienced a global shutdown in 2020. When it reopened, we went back to our daily routines and obligations, but something was different. We could all sense a subtle yet profound shift had taken place, but we struggled to articulate exactly what it was. Since then, this has been simply accepted as the “new…

Leadership is Sacrifice: 5 Realities of Leading Effectively


When most people visualize a leader, images of charismatic personalities, influencers, or high-powered executives come to mind. That’s because there’s an assumption of prestige and power associated with it. Those who’ve earned the privilege of being called leaders are shaking their heads right now; they understand that effective leadership isn’t about prestige and power but…

The Deion Sanders Effect: Visionary Leadership

deion sanders

Leadership isn’t about commanding respect or issuing orders; it’s about sharing a compelling vision that others can’t ignore. Leadership is not about being the center of attention but rather about assisting others to rise and shine brightest. While great leadership has long been synonymous with vision, resilience, and the ability to mobilize and inspire, it…

Examples of Transformational Leaders

examples transformational leaders

What makes great leaders great? This question is debated in boardrooms, academic seminars, and by thought leaders worldwide. While varied and intricate, the answer often centers on one phenomenon: Exceptional and transformational leaders pave the way forward, drive excellence, and inspire others to be their best selves. A transformative leader doesn’t just manage, delegate, or…