Author Archives: Matt Mayberry

Maintain Healthy Habits This Holiday Season

maintain healthy habits

The time is here! Planning parties, shopping for loved ones, an abundance of amazing food, alcohol, and the constant never ending things to do before Christmas and New Years. During this time of the year, the number one question that I always get asked is, “How can I keep my healthy habits during the holiday…

The Power Within You

the power within you

You already have the power within you. The past failures. The past mistakes. The past heartbreaks… Let them go! Stop letting things from the past weigh you down and paralyze you from tapping into the amazing God-given power that is within you. Directing your focus on everything that went wrong in your life will do…

Talk To Yourself Like a Champion

like champion

To rise above negativity, it is necessary to learn and practice talking to yourself like a champion. We all fall victim to negative self-talk from time to time, saying things about ourselves such as, “I never do anything right.  I look terrible.  I’m not smart enough.  I don’t have the right resources.” As Proverbs 23:7…

Your Time to Shine

time to shine

Your time to shine has arrived. You are equipped and empowered with everything you need to embark on and live a fulfilling life. Please recognize that the only limitations you face are those you impose on yourself. You have the potential to ascend higher, overcome every obstacle, and achieve greatness. Always remember that it’s your time…

Are You Willing To Pay The Price?

pay the price article

Are you willing to pay the price? One of the major differences that separates the average from the great is their willingness to sacrifice. The average person who achieves just mediocre results often complains about their dissatisfaction in life. They keep telling you over and over again all the reasons they aren’t where they think…

You Are Powerful!

you are powerful

You have to understand  that you, yes you, are far greater than any problem or disappointment that may be present in your life. I don’t care who you are or what you have accomplished, we all go through disappointments in life and struggle from time to time with coming to the realization just how special…